Finklusiv was founded in 2020. The company’s name is formed from the words FINANCIAL and INCLUSIVE. We are a social business, providing support to strong and resilient people who have overcome hardships, and are facing more barriers then most in trying to achieve success. This means that our income comes from commercial activities as well as from donations and surplus is to be reinvested in operations.

At Finklusiv, we work hard to achieve something we are proud of: providing financial inclusion and the best conditions for success for entrepreneurs in Denmark. By giving entrepreneurs access to corporate banking services, training and top quality professional services, we help them create and advance their business, and ultimately, their livelihood.
The gain is threefold: for the entrepreneurs themselves, their family, and for the community.

At Finklusiv, we dream of a world where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full financial potential.

Entrepreneurship can be a good path to employment, but it is impossible to realize the dream without access to a bank. Unfortunately, many banks are increasingly rejecting small start-up business customers’ requests for a business account. There are approx. 30,000 new businesses created in Denmark every year, and according to The Danish Federation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises SMVDanmark, 12% of them have difficulty setting up a business account.

Since inception, Finklusiv has supported 83 business owners with a refugee background in gaining access to a bank. 56% of them have created other jobs on top of their own. Since a third of them were on cash benefits before they became self-employed, they have saved Municipalities millions in public support. The profit is achieved by virtue of a saving in public expenditure as well as a tax income.

Thanks to One Life Foundation's support, Finklusiv will accelerate the number of business owners we support and advise, so that they can achieve financial independence. Finklusiv will also extend the support given to its clients, in order to meet their needs in a more holistic way.

In addition to it's economic effects, financial inclusion is closely linked to social effects, which are more difficult to quantify. For example, dignity, self-esteem and well-being which come from employment, economic well-being and inclusion in the social community are to be emphasized.

Finklusiv's operations contribute to 4 of the UN's global goals:
1 - Eliminate poverty
8 - Decent jobs and economic growth
9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10 - Less inequality

Visit our site at Finklusiv